没有VBSEO又想静态化的朋友可以试试 我英文不好,而且是虚拟主机用户,只用了最简单的功能。 里面很多设置不会用。贴子的地址已经变成了静态页面的地址。(希望有人汉化) 给大家看看我的站的演示:http://bbs.bobotan.net/showthread.php/-483.html VB.ORG贴中如此 http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=127336 Zoints is a company that believes that forums are the killer application of the internet. We want to empower forum owners to take their community to the next level. Therefore, Zoints has been developing an extremely powerful vBulletin forum SEO and revenue enhancing solution for more than two years now. However, because we are focusing on our Forum Network and Thread Tagging System, we have decided to release this SEO solution to the vBulletin community under the lgpl license. Zoints SEO is now open source and NOT supported by us. We hope that the vBulletin dev community comes together to take this already powerful solution and make it even better. Empower yourselves Zoints SEO can be discussed here or http://network.zoints.com (again, we will not be providing official support). Without further ado: Placeholder for: 1. Image by image explanation 2. SEO theory behind various features Frequently Asked Questions Q. Is Zoints SEO better than vBSEO? A. The folks over at vBSEO are pretty darn smart people who have developed what has turned into an excellent product. If you're looking for a quality SUPPORTED solution, you should look over there. Zoints SEO does some things better than vBSEO and vBSEO does many things better than Zoints SEO. Each product has its advantages. It really depends what you're looking for in a product. Q. You were kidding about not supporting Zoints SEO, right? A. No. Q. Are there any bugs in Zoints SEO? A. Zoints SEO has been tested on dozens of forums (including many Big-Boards) for a LONG time. There may be a few bugs around, but it is a very stable product with proven results. Q. I have this problem with Zoints SEO, will you help? A. No. Q. Uhhh, you do realize you could have sold this for a decent amount of money, right? A. Yes, but then we would have to support it. Zoints is not an SEO company. Our core focus is our forum network and various supporting solutions. Q. So I can package Zoints SEO up and sell it as a commercial product right? A. Nope. Q. Can I remove the little copyright notice in the footer? A. Yes, one of two ways. 1. Join the Zoints Forum Network 2. Make a $100.00 or larger donation to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and email Zoints with a copy of the receipt at ZointsIsCoolAndIGaveMoneyToTheEFF@zoints.com